Age: 19
Fighting style: Brawling
First appearance: Volume 1,
Episode 5Ten years ago, Sanosuke
Sagara was a junior member of the
Sekihoutai, an unofficial division of the
Meiji Government Army lead by Sozo
Sagara, whom Sanosuke idolized (to the
point of adopting his last name).
However, when the Meiji Government
realized that it couldn't keep all of its
promises, it pinned all the blame on the
Sekihoutai, which was subsequently
disbanded. Sozo Sagara was beheaded for
a crime he did not commit, which is
something Sanosuke will never forgive the
Meiji Government for. However, a fight
with Kenshin showed him that not all of
the people who created the Meiji were as
bad as he thought. He and Kenshin are the
best of friends now, with similar
ideologies if executed through different
Sano is the tough guy of the series,
with indomitable strength and an
attitude characterized by the Japanese
character aku, or "bad," on his
back. He takes pride in the fact that
he's undefeatable, and will repeatedly
challenge anyone who does defeat him
until he wins (with the exception of
Kenshin). Sano seems to live by the one
rule of "defy authority," and although
he prefers the high route of government
takedown (enlightening the people as to
the truth), a good fight is never above
him. (A bad fight, on the other